Here are some facts related to John Cena, The Undertaker , Rock and more WWE Champions. You will and you have to agree with these points. We remember John Cena
being a thug-life rapper.
1. We remember arguing with everyone that WWE was real.
We never believed in storylines as kids. For us, everything inside and outside the ring was unplanned, unscripted and genuine.
2. We also remember when it used to be WWF.
The World Wrestling Federation, as it was known before, decided to "get the F out" and was suddenly changed to WWE in 2002. The logo took time to get used to.
3. For us, the Vince McMahon-Stone Cold rivalry was the best.
4. We thought that The Undertaker had actually died and come back.
As kids, we thought all the stories surrounding the dead man were true.

5. Bret 'The Hitman' Hart was always the good guy.
We can't forget that he used to give his dark glasses to kids in the front row.
6. Stone Cold Steve Austin taught us the middle finger.
Most of us saw him using it for the first time and without knowing what it meant, we still thought it was pretty cool.
7. We can never forget Paul Bearer and the urn.
8. Who can forget The People's Champion's famous quotes "If you smell what the Rock is cooking" or "Just bring it!"?
We all tried raising our eyebrows like he did.